RGV Schlaube Oderland e.V.

Seestraße 7, 15295 Brieskow-Finkenheerd


Dienstag bis Freitag 10 h – 15 h

und nach Vereinbarung


033609 – 72 88 11





German-Polish Summer Festival

German-Polish Summer Festival

The German-Polish Summer Festival is a cross-border folk festival on the Oder that has been held annually since 2008. Connected by a ferry, the German village Aurith and the Polish village Urad offer visitors a variety of attractions. Every year, around 3,000 visitors can watch a variety of cultural performances on and off the stage by various organisations from both sides of the Oder, visit a flea market, cross the Oder by boat and spend a pleasant day entertained by music. Project of the RGV Schlaube Oderland e.V. supported by: Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA, Amt Brieskow-Finkenheerd, Landkreis Oder-Spree, Gemeinde Cybinka, various organisations and companies
